Okay people, where has the time gone?!
I cannot believe that this is my first post of 2015.... and it's May!
Thankfully, pictures have been taken along the way
and hopefully they will help tell the story of the past six months.
Let's review:
Of course, we had a lovely Christmas....
The winter proved to be rough (can you say EIGHT snow days from school?),
but we took advantage of the warmer days to get outside....
Daddy buys a new building for his company. The boys "help" with the clean up and renovations. Here is a picture of Johnny being the boss,
"Take a picture of me being the boss after someone did something naughty."
Howie has a line in the school play....
Rick and I seek a retreat to Chicago....
Another warm day with snow still left on the ground....
St. Patty's Day at preschool.....
The annual Florida trip.
Friends, sun and family time.....
And Haiti. We love you Haiti.